Future trainings

Bobath Baby – ABBV

CLE – understanding of the child's language

Trainings carried out

Portage pour le développement atypique” – Académie de portage (October 2023)

” Specific sensory-motor awakening of premature babies”- Nidcap Training Brussels Center (November 2022)

“The baby's sensory-motor needs through the different stages of his development” Nidcap Training Brussels Center (October 2022)

Rehabilitation of CDD and dysgraphia (february 2022)

DMI THERAPY -Introductory Level B (January 2022)

Infant neuropsychomotor examination 4 month to 1 and it 2 years. (2022)

The program of this training aims to improve the quality of the neuropsychomotor assessment of the infant until 2 years. The fundamentals of this practice that will be discussed are the observation, assessment of passive and active tone, postural reactions, fun activities, language and interactions.

Link to the site of’Air Libre ASBL

Microkinesithérapie – ABM (2021-2022)

The human body, like any living organism, is designed to adapt, defend and self-correct in the event of traumatic assault, emotional, toxic, viral, microbial or environmental. When the aggression is greater than the body's defense possibilities, the vitality of the body tissue concerned will be altered. There is "memorization" of the aggression. The change in tissue vitality can cause different local or remote manifestations to appear.

Microkinesitherapy uses a specific manual micropalpatory technique to find the traces left by these attacks in the various tissues of the body. Its action consists of manually performing acts that stimulate self-correction mechanisms in order to prevent tissue degradation and restore their functions.. The practitioner's hands mobilize and stimulate the different tissues depending on the type of aggression

This technique is applicable to all ages of life, for therapeutic purposes or not.

Link to the website’ABM

Therapy around Primitive and Archaic Reflexes - Torega (2022)

Learning and adaptation difficulties as well as behavioral disorders of the child, adolescents and adults often have purely physical causes related to the formation and development of the nervous system.

Thanks to the practice of integration and help in the development of archaic reflexes, it is possible to act on the foundations of the psychomotor functioning of each !

Link to the website of Torega

Introductory Course or CME I (CUEVAS MEDEK EXERCISES) (2021)

The Cuevas Medek Exercises method (CME) is a management method that causes automatic motor reactions in children with motor delays from the age of 3 month. Medek consultation in Brussels, Belgium.

Link to the website of CME

Infant's Foot – Treatment of malpositions and malformations of the infant's foot – Spheres (2021)

Congenital deformities of the newborn's foot cover a wide clinical field, ranging from simple malposition to the most complex malformation. Support in physiotherapy for minor malpositions or support as a continuation of the treatment offered in hospital in the context of more significant malformations.

Link to the website Spheres.

Microkinesithérapie (2019-2020)

The human body, like any living organism, is designed to adapt, defend and self-correct in the event of traumatic assault, emotional, toxic, viral, microbial or environmental. When the aggression is greater than the body's defense possibilities, the vitality of the body tissue concerned will be altered. There is "memorization" of the aggression. The change in tissue vitality can cause different local or remote manifestations to appear.

Microkinesitherapy uses a specific manual micropalpatory technique to find the traces left by these attacks in the various tissues of the body. Its action consists of manually performing acts that stimulate self-correction mechanisms in order to prevent tissue degradation and restore their functions.. The practitioner's hands mobilize and stimulate the different tissues depending on the type of aggression

This technique is applicable to all ages of life, for therapeutic purposes or not.

Link to the website’ABM

Plagiocéphalie – craniocéphalie : Prevention and treatment of deformities of the skull of newborns (2018).

Training in order to recognize, track down, to inform, measure Posterior Plagiocephaly of Positional Origin ; differentiate them from synostotic deformations. Know the different treatment methods. Advise parents.

Link to the website Spheres.

Bobath (2017-2018)

Le concept BOBATH N.D.T. is a specific approach to care for children with neurological impairment and other motor development disorders. The care aims to provide adapted sensorimotor experiences to allow the child to find new landmarks. The child will be able to experience more appropriate and harmonious movements, recovery reactions, protection and balance. Thanks to these experiences, control of gestures and postures is improved. The goal is also to avoid orthopedic deformities and increase autonomy on a daily basis.

Link to the ABBV website : Association Belge Bobath

Physiotherapy and respiratory sounds – Guy Postiaux (2017)

Training aims : Auscultate, that is to say to collect objective stethacoustic parameters, correctly pose the indications and contraindications for physical treatment, learn new bronchial clearance techniques and acquire the basics of a specialization in pediatric respiratory physiotherapy.

Link to the website of Guy Postiaux

K-Tape (2016)

These colored bands, true exteroceptive stimulants, cause a physiological normalization of the body, leaving it complete freedom of movement.
They allow self-healing of the treated region by acting at different levels.
We therefore induce positive effects at the nervous levels, muscular, circulatory, lymphatic etc…

Training taken at l’ETMA

Lock picking (2016)

The technique of picking is becoming more and more important in the treatment of teno-musculoskeletal disorders The myo-aponeurotic picking of structures that are affected by many traumas offers the technique an optimal indication. Following an injury to the musculoskeletal system, the connective tissue that supports and envelops it often tends to retract and lose some of its properties. Fasciae and other aponeuroses decrease in elasticity and the affected area appears to stick or adhere to adjacent tissues.

Training followed at the’ETMA


Regular participation in conferences in the field of pediatric physiotherapy ( Pediatrics Saturday, Colloquiums, conferences,…)