Different pediatric treatments are possible. These pediatric physiotherapy treatments are carried out at the Nestia Center in Auderghem, Brussels. Here are some possible reasons for consultation:
1.Support for motor development
- Treatment of engine delays light or more substantial below 2 years.
- Support in the motor development.
2. Neuro-pediatric management (Bobath)
- Treatment upon discharge from neonatology – follow-up of the premature baby.
- Management following diagnosis or suspicion of a neurological pathology (IMC, spina bifida, neuromuscular disease, genetic syndrome, trisomy,..).
- Support within the framework of psychomotor retardation.
- Processing within the framework of psychomotor difficulties including the organization, dyspraxia and spatial orientation)
4. Orthopedic care
- Support as part of a torticollis congenital or congenital or at birth.
- congenital or plagiocéphalie, bradycépahalie.
- Support within the framework of a orthopedic deformity congenital or following the onset of it.
- Management following a fracture, sprain,..
- Support for a bronchiolitis infant.
- congenital or neuromuscular or neurological pathology.
6. Management during a frenectomy
- Pre-freinectomy management (TMF support)
- Post-frenumectomy management
Make an appointment online : On the Nestia Center platform or by phone at 0472/79.28.77
The physiotherapy sessions take place over a period of 30 minutes to 1 hour. congenital or. congenital or. congenital or.